Beauty and health come from the within, therefore it is really important that we look after what we eat and how we eat it.
Your skin is one of the first signals of an healthy diet. If you want a radiant, youthful and acne free skin there are few things that you should include in your diet and other that you should avoid. If you are looking into making your skin more glowy and healthy, you can simply enrich your diet with what is listed below : Green tea - has strong skin healing and anti - inflammatory properties. Flax Seeds ( linseeds) - help keeping skin hydrated thanks to their richness in omega 3 fatty acid. Vitamin E - is a great antioxidant helps protection against skin cancer, helping skin retain moisture and fight free radical damage. Source: one of the best are Almonds but also Wheat germ Oil, Sunflower Oil and Seeds, Nuts and Nut Oils, Palm Oil, High-value Green Leafy Vegetables like Spinach. Also Turnip, Beets,Collard and Dandelion Greens like Avocados, Asparagus, Kiwi , Broccoli. Vitamin A - helps keeping the skin elastic and healthy creating new skin cells.Vit A can also be manufactured from the body from beta-carotene. Source: Vit A can be found in cheese , eggs , milk and yoghurt. Beta -carotene can be found in Kale , Lettuce, Peppers, Carrots, Spinach , Pumpkin , Turnip, Cabbage , Mangoes, Sweet Potatoes Apricot, Watercress . Vitamin C - best antioxidants to fight free radical damage and boost collagen. Source: Berries and Papaya are a great source but also kiwis , tomatoes, red peppers, oranges, potatoes and peas. WATER - helps the body detoxifyng ,the more the better! PRANA - breathing techniques are fantastic to detoxify the body and keep your skin looking healthy and young! When you eat always try and do it mindfully and when you cook always try and be positive transmitting love and positive energy to your food. If you are experiencing problems with acne you can still make a great difference by using your diet to heal. Acne is caused by an over stimulated oil gland that has become infected, 3 are the main factors for this : 1 - hormones 2 - digestive function/ diet / liver related. 3 - adrenal glands, they get stimulated creating a stress response in the body . This creates fire (too much Pitta in the body) For the first 2 the best foods to be AVOIDED are all the one that can create congestion in the body, like animal fats , dairy products , chocolate and sweets. For the third we will need to help the body decrease its fire, therefore stay away from anything that helps ignite the fire in the body. Like spicy foods, curry, chilli, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and also oranges and strawberries. An helpful diet will consist in adding this to your everyday cooking: Plenty of Fresh Salads: full of greens and more of the fresh veggies previously listed ,if you can add apple cider vinagre and freshly pressed sunflower oil it will make it even better and delicious. Proteins : found in Eggs, Tofu, Quinoa, Amaranth, Chia Seeds, Lentils Fatty Acids : found in Sunflower Oil and Seeds, Nuts and Avocado. WATER : again this is one of the most important things you should consume in abundance during the day . PRANA - life force, for a youthful and an healthy functioning body. It will help detoxifying by bringing new oxygen in and expelling toxins. Facilitating cells regeneration. You will start seeing results very soon after your change in diet , but for effective change you will have to be patience as it can take to up to 6 months, so try and be consistent in your diet regime and you will see the effect in your skin. This is what I have gathered from my research and put together for you , but I am not a nutritionist and this research was done for my own personal use and also there is much more to it and many more sources on all of the above, so please feel free to add on here if you find out some more information. My main sources were: Thank you :)
12/6/2012 04:43:50 am
Nutrition and great skin are very much related and some of the nutrients that play an important role in your complexion are vitamins.Nice blog .. Thanks for sharing
26/9/2012 02:47:30 am
It is an enormously inspiring post .I am totally pleased by your excellent work. It contains really very useful information. Looking forward for your next post.
28/11/2017 08:25:34 am
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AuthorA Passionate Yoga Teacher, Appreciating Joy within each and everyone's Smile. Grateful for her Yoga Life, Experimenting and Searching for Innovative Healthy Food, Music Soul, Interested in all New/Alternative Therapies, Seeking for any Dance & Art & Cultural Stimulation, Hopeless Travel Addict and Animal Lover, especially 4 her gorgeous border collie Joy;) Archives
July 2014